The Huntsville Report
February 11, 2023
The Huntsville Report
February 11, 2023

Medical Cannabis: The council members received a presentation from Henry Thornton (External
Relations Office, Mayor’s Office) which summarized the state’s Medical Cannabis program which was
authorized in the 2021 Alabama legislative session. This legislation authorized the establishment of the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC) which will function to regulate and grant monopolies through a fixed number of licenses to grow, transport, and sell medical cannabis. (For more information visit

In order for cities to participate in the Medical Cannabis program, the law requires that a city ordinance be passed and the AMCC be notified. Huntsville will vote on their ordinance during their next session. Also, a resolution will be introduced in the next session regarding which license holders will be allowed
to operate in the City.

Resolution Regarding City Resources for Abortion-Related Crimes: The Council introduced, amended, and passed a resolution regarding the use of City resources when investigating/prosecuting abortion-related crimes. In its amended state, the resolution merely states that City resources will not be used to go beyond the limits of the State law against abortion. In its original state, the resolution sought to deprioritize investigations into criminal allegations regarding “birth outcomes.” The amendment was introduced as a result of the arguments provided by John Hamilton (City Administrator, Mayor’s Office). The resolution sponsor, Frances Akridge, mentioned the intent of the original resolution was to prevent the Huntsville Police Department from engaging in “witch-hunts” against women “in need of crucial health care services.” The final vote was 4-1, with Jeannie Robinson as the only council member to vote against the resolution.

This resolution serves as a virtue-signaling nod to pro-abortion groups in Huntsville: the City’s claim that it would not exceed the limits of existing State law regarding abortion is redundant. Additionally, one may reasonably infer that this resolution serves as a signal that the City holds a positive view of abortion and in consequence is willing to defy State law.

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